You might ask yourself why are these four colors the base colors of CMYK, why not more colors, so it would be able to match more than 70% of all colors? The reason for these colors is affordability since Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key are the four colors that together allow us to get the widest colour spectrum for print. It would of course have been larger with more colors, but the prices would also have been higher in comparison.
How are CMYK colors mixed
When saying the colors are mixed together, it sounds like that they are put into a bucket and then mixed. It is not the case when it comes to mixing CMYK colors. It actually happens by a lot of small single-colour dots dropped onto the sheets next to each other. So when the printing is pressing it actually does not mix the colors, but it prints really small dots of cyan, magenta, yellow or key. Since the dots are so small it actually makes our eyes and brain process the dots, so it looks likes colors and the design we wanted. If you want to get more info about CMYK and like our 16oz Kraft Paper Cup,why not order and customized your own logo ASAP?
Where are CMYK colors used
As written at the start of this article CMYK colors are used for printing on paper and especially white paper,such as Printed Kraft Paper Salad Paper Bowl With Lid.The CMYK colour process is the ordinary process for home-printers, but it is also used by a lot of printing companies to print flyers, posters, and for a lot of other projects. Due to the low cost of the CMYK colour process, a lot of manufacturers of printed packaging is implementing this colour process, so it is able to provide customers with lower quantities on Customize Logo Takeaway Packaging Coffee Cup.